Use this function to enter/edit recurring payments records if applicable. You can do this file maintenance at any time, either now in Initial Setup or later in Live Operations. However, the Paid to Date field cannot be modified in Live Operations.
If your company makes regular payments for products or services such as rent, maintenance fees, or monthly retainers, you can use this feature to provide for automatically generating these payments. When recurring payments are generated in Live Operations, the system creates an invoice entry transaction for each recurring payment transaction, eliminating the need to manually enter the same invoice information each time.
The Recurring Payments Screen, shown in Figure 4-8 below, appears when
you select Recurring Payments
from the File Maintenance
Pulldown Menu. You normally enter this function in Inquire mode but
you can change mode by using the mode icons on the toolbar or the mode
function keys. Since Change mode places a hold on the selected record,
use Change mode only when you intend to change data. If desired, in key
entry, you can click on or press the Scan key to review
the records currently on file and select one for editing or viewing.
Figure 4-8. Recurring Payments Screen
This screen contains the following fields grouped by sections.
Enter a positive number (with up to 4 digits) to identify the recurring payment. The system automatically displays the next available number beginning with `1'. You may enter your own unique number or accept the default.
Enter a description for this recurring payment, up to 30 characters in length.
Enter the number of the vendor which must be on file in the Vendors
file. You can click on or press the Scan key to find an
appropriate entry. The system displays the vendor name so that you can
verify your entry.
Indicate the months or periods in which to generate the recurring payment in accordance with the alignment grid displayed below this field on the screen. If you operate on a monthly accounting basis, both the initial default and the grid will appear as 'JFMAMJJASOND ' with each letter representing a calendar month. If you are on a 13-period basis (as defined by Number of Accounting Periods in Parameters File Maintenance), both will appear as '1234567890123' with each digit representing a fiscal period. However, the 13-Period Basis? field on this screen must also be "yes" in order to generate a recurring payment in the 13th period.
If you want an invoice generated every month or period, do not change the default value. Otherwise, space over the characters of those months/periods for which an invoice does not apply. For example, if you want to generate a recurring payment every "odd" calendar month, blank out the even month characters so that the field appears as "J M M J S N ".
If the 13-Period Basis? field on this screen is "no" (see below), enter the day of the month (from 1 to 31) to use in the invoice date; otherwise, enter the day of the period (from 1 to 28).
If 13-Period Basis? is "no", this day pertains to a calendar month. For example, suppose you entered a "2" in this field, and you are currently in February. The "2" would represent February 2nd, since this date is the second day in the calendar month.
If 13-Period Basis? is "yes", this day pertains to a 28-day accounting period. For example, suppose you entered a "2" in this field, and you are currently in the second accounting period of the year. Assuming that your fiscal year begins January 1, the "2" would represent January 30th, since this date is the second day in the accounting period.
If you are on a monthly basis, enter the calendar month and year to start generating recurring payments for this entry; otherwise, enter the fiscal period and year. If you are on a 13-period basis, the 13-Period Basis? field on this screen must also be "yes" in order to start a recurring payment in the 13th period.
Enter the amount (with up to 7 digits to the left of the decimal and 2 digits to the right) of the invoice to be generated. The line items for the recurring payment should total to this amount.
If applicable, enter the maximum amount (with up to 9 digits to the left of the decimal and 2 digits to the right) of all invoices to be generated by this recurring payment. A payment will not be generated once the Paid to Date field reaches this limit. If left blank or zero, the recurring payment is unlimited.
If the generation of a given month's invoice will exceed the limit, a prorated invoice and line items are generated. For example, if Limit is $10,000, Paid to Date is $9,600, and Amount is $600, the last invoice generated will be for $400.
If applicable, enter the retention amount (with up to 7 digits to the left of the decimal and 2 digits to the right) to withhold from the invoice amount. The system computes the initial default by multiplying Amount on this screen by the vendor's retention % from the Vendors (Invoicing Information) Screen but it can be changed.
If desired, enter the amount already paid (with up to 9 digits to the left of the decimal and 2 digits to the right) for this recurring payment. In Live Operations, this amount is system-maintained and cannot be modified. If a Limit amount is specified, invoices will only be generated for this recurring payment until the Paid to Date amount reaches the Limit amount.
This field controls whether or not the system bases the Day to Invoice on the day of a 28-day accounting period and allows a recurring payment to be generated in the 13th period. If you are on a monthly basis, this field is automatically set to "no" and cannot be changed. Otherwise, you must make a selection.
If "yes" or , the Day
to Invoice corresponds to a day in the 28-day accounting period
and a recurring payment can be generated in the 13th period.
If "no" or , the Day
to Invoice corresponds to a day in the calendar month and a recurring
payment cannot be generated in the 13th period.
Enter the number of the liability account for this recurring payment, up to 12 characters in length. The system defaults the vendor's liability account from the Vendors (Invoicing Information) Screen.
If General Ledger is part of your system, this account number must be
on file in the General Ledger Chart of Accounts file. You can click on
or press the Scan key to find an appropriate entry. The
system displays the account description so that you can verify your entry.
Enter the code to identify the terms to use when generating recurring
payments. The system defaults the vendor's payment terms code from the
Vendors (Invoicing
Information) Screen. This code must be on file in the Vendor
Terms file. You can click on or press the Scan key
to find an appropriate entry. The system displays the terms description
so that you can verify your entry.
During invoice generation, the system computes the discount amount, discount due date, and invoice due date for the invoice based on this terms code.
Press ENTER or click or the Save
button to save the information for the current record. If any information
has changed, the system may redisplay the screen to show any new or changed
system-supplied items or to report any error or warning messages. If so,
the current record has not yet been saved; you must address any concerns
and press ENTER or click
or the Save
button again. To exit without saving, press END or click
or the Cancel
When you save a record, the system will automatically present the Recurring Payments Line Items Overlay, or you can click on the Line Items button to access it (which first saves the current record if applicable).
The following icons are also available for use on the toolbar (unless disabled in Add mode or until a record has been selected):
List Recurring Payments:
See Recurring Payments List
for further information.
Display Recurring Payment
Audit Info: See Audit
Info for further information.
Click the appropriate icon to perform the desired operation (which first saves the current record if applicable), after which you will return to where you are.