Recurring Payments List

Use this function to print the contents of the Recurring Payments file. It is accessed by selecting Recurring Payments from the Listings Pulldown Menu.


You will follow the same general procedure for printing that is used in all APPX applications. Refer to the APPX User Manual for detailed instructions in regard to any record selection, sort order, and/or disposition screens that appear.


A sample Recurring Payments List is shown below.



Expert Computing, Inc.

09/02/94 13:38                                                                                                       LGG Page:  1

                                                      Recurring Payments List


                                                 Terms                                            Amount     13 Month Basis?

Vendor                                                                                      Paid To Date     Generate Months

Liability Account                                                 Limit    Start Mo/Yr         Retention     Day to Invoice


0001  Advertising Retainer

                                                 020  Net EOM                                     500.00     N

00000020  Pool and Associates                                                                    4500.00     JFMAMJJASOND

2010001001  Accounts Payable, Sales                                 .00      06 / 88                 .00     10

            Line   Account                                        Sub Type / Code       Description                          Amount

            0001   4100000001WH  Promotion/Advertising, Wholesl                         Monthly retainer                     500.00


0002  Quarterly AC Maintenance

                                                 030  3/15th, Net 25th                            256.90     N

00000030  Mountain Air Conditioning                                                              1798.30     J  A  J  O

2010001001  Accounts Payable, Sales                                 .00      06 / 88                 .00     01

            Line   Account                                        Sub Type / Code       Description                          Amount

            0001   4090000000MA  Repairs and Maintenance, Mfg.    GL  GENERAL           Maintenance                          256.90


0003  Monthly Policy Payment

                                                 020  Net EOM                                     254.80     N

00000070  Insurances Unlimited                                                                    764.40     JFMAMJJASOND

2010001001  Accounts Payable, Sales                             3057.60      06 / 89                 .00     10

            Line   Account                                        Sub Type / Code       Description                          Amount

            0001   4130000000  Insurance Expense                                        Monthly payment                      254.80
