APPX Support via VNC

Installing VNC


What is VNC?


VNC lets one PC (ex: APPX Support's) view over the internet the screen of another PC (ex: yours). With permission, it allows the viewer access to the host's keyboard and mouse (clicking a couple of checkboxes when setting it up disables this). VNC is similar to pcAnywhere and other such utilities. It runs effectively over dial-up or high-speed internet connections.

VNC is an open-source utility supported by AT&T Research Labs,, Tridia Corporation, and Constantin Kaplinsky

Why Use VNC?

APPX uses VNC heavily for customer support. It saves significantly on the time necessary to diagnose and fix problems. Many problems are solvable with VNC that are difficult or impossible to solve otherwise. It's particularly useful in system-down situations and debugging display/image problems. It's useful for diagnosing many other support issues, as well as being easy to set up, and without cost.

If you have a PC that can access your APPX/Client or Server, and can access the internet, it would save considerable time were we to set it up before the next time you need technical support. It can save half or more of the time needed to resolve support issues. VNC has helped resolve many issues that would not have been resolved otherwise.

Follow the instructions below. It takes just a few minutes to install and test. Please phone if you have any questions.

To load VNC:

  • Go to Click on the tightvnc file to the left of "Self-installing package for Windows®".
  • Click on any of the rectangular boxes in the Download column.
  • To the question "Would you like to open the file or save it?", it's faster and safe to select Open, to run the install directly.
  • Accept all defaults through the rest of the setup wizard. It is not necessary to restart your computer as suggested.
  • Click 'Start', 'Programs', 'TightVNC', Launch TightVNC Server .
  • This brings up a Server Properties box: Use any password. (VNC requires a password, but we don't use it). Check Poll Full Screen to prevent character dropout. You now should see a [V] in your lower right system tray.
  • Call APPX Support to request the current Support IP Address and ask for a VNC session to be initiated.
  • Right-click the [V] icon in your system tray.
  • Select Add New Client, entering Support's IP address as provided.

We should now be able to see your desktop, and operate a keyboard and mouse against it (if permissions are set to allow it in the Properties dialog box).

If you get an error message "Unable to create directory: C\ProgramFiles\TightVNC", it's probably a permissions problem. Log back in as Administrator, and try again.

Note: VNC gets through most, but not all firewalls. If it won't go through your firewall, WebEx ( often can. WebEx takes 5-10 minutes to set up, takes longer to initiate each time it's started, and disconnects after ten minutes. But it's worth using if VNC doesn't make it through your firewall. Click here for instructions on using WebEx for APPX Technical Support.


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