Summary Accounts List

Use this function to print a list of the Summary Accounts file. It is accessed by selecting Summary Accounts from the Listings Pulldown Menu.


You will follow the same general procedure for printing that is used in all APPX applications. Refer to the APPX User Manual for detailed instructions in regard to any record selection, sort order, and/or disposition screens that appear.


A sample Summary Accounts List is shown below.




                                                       Expert Computing, Inc.

11/04/01 15:11                                                                                                       LGG Page:  1

                                                       Summary Accounts List

Summary Acct                                 Seq# Start Acct   End Acct          Acct Component Ranges:

             Last Summary                                                        Main Account Sub Account  Division     Branch


19000999     Assets, Current                   10 10100        1105099999ZZ St:

             02/23/01 09:22 44                                              End:


19001999     Assets, Canadian                  10 10100010     1170002000   St:               020

             02/23/01 09:22 45                                              End:              020


19002999     Total Assets                      10 10000        1899999999ZZ St:

             02/23/01 09:22 45                                              End:


29000999     Liabilities, Current              10 20100        2051099999ZZ St:

             02/23/01 09:22 45                                              End:


29001999     Liabilities, Canadian             10 20100010     2120000000   St:               020

             02/23/01 09:22 45                                              End:              020


29002999     Total Liabilities                 10 20000        2899999999ZZ St:

             02/23/01 09:22 45                                              End:


39000999     Revenue, Mfg.                     10 3000000000AA 3899999999ZZ St:                                         MA

             02/23/01 09:22 45                                              End:                                        MA


39001999     Revenue, Wholesale                10 3000000000AA 3899999999ZZ St:                                         WH

             02/23/01 09:22 45                                              End:                                        WH


49000999     Expenses, Corporate               10 4000000000AA 4899999999ZZ St:                            00

             02/23/01 09:22 46                                              End:                           00


49001999     Expenses, Sales Outlet            10 4000000000AA 4899999999ZZ St:                            01

             02/23/01 09:22 46                                              End:                           01


49002999     Expenses, Mfg.                    10 4000000000AA 4899999999ZZ St:                                         MA

             02/23/01 09:22 46                                              End:                                        MA


49003999     Expenses, Wholesale               10 4000000000AA 4899999999ZZ St:                                         WH

             02/23/01 09:22 46                                              End:                                        WH