Recurring Entries List

Use this function to print a list of the Recurring Entries file. It is accessed by selecting Recurring Entries from the Listings Pulldown Menu.


You will follow the same general procedure for printing that is used in all APPX applications. Refer to the APPX User Manual for detailed instructions in regard to any record selection, sort order, and/or disposition screens that appear.


A sample Recurring Entries List is shown below.




                                                       Expert Computing, Inc.

11/04/01 15:12                                                                                                       LGG Page:  1


                                                       Recurring Entries List

Trx    Description                      Mo/Yr   Months          Ref     Rev?   Interco    Curr           Limit    To Date Amount





0001   Monthly Insurance Exp-Domestic   04 99   JFMAMJJASOND    RECURR   0                              11,000.00        6,000.00


             Line   Account        Description                      Sub Code              Adj?   S/U/N           Amount


             0001   4130000000     Insurance Expense                                       N                   1,000.00

             0002   1060001000     Prepaid Insurance                                       N                   1,000.00-


                                                                                        — Total —>                 0.00


0003   Monthly Depreciation-Domestic    06 98   JFMAMJJASOND    RECURR   0                                   0.00            0.00


             Line   Account        Description                      Sub Code              Adj?   S/U/N           Amount


             0001   4040001000     Depreciation Expense             GL GENERAL             N                       0.00

             0002   1170001000     Accumulated Depreciation         GL GENERAL             N                       0.00

             0003   4040001000     Depreciation Expense             GL COMPUTER            N                       0.00

             0004   1170001000     Accumulated Depreciation         GL COMPUTER            N                       0.00


                                                                                        — Total —>                 0.00


Currency CANADA .83840000 Canadian Dollar C. DOLLAR


0002   Insurance Exp-Canadian           06 98    F  M  A  N     RECURR   0                CANADA             0.00        9,000.00


             Line   Account        Description                      Sub Code              Adj?   S/U/N           Amount


             0001   4130002000     Insurance Expense-Canadian                              N                   3,000.00

             0002   1060002000     Prepaid Insurance, Canadian                             N                   3,000.00-


                                                                                        — Total —>               0.00


0004   Monthly Depreciation-Canadian    06 98   JFMAMJJASOND    RECURR   0                CANADA             0.00            0.00


             Line   Account        Description                      Sub Code              Adj?   S/U/N           Amount


             0001   4040002000     Depreciation Expense, Canadian                          N                       0.00

             0002   1170002000     Accum Depreciation, Canadian                            N                       0.00


                                                                                        — Total —>                 0.00
