Parameters List

Use this function to print the contents of the Parameters file. It is accessed by selecting Parameters from the Listings Pulldown Menu.


You will follow the same general procedure for printing that is used in all APPX applications. Refer to the APPX User Manual for detailed instructions in regard to any record selection, sort order, and/or disposition screens that appear.


A sample Parameters List is shown below.




                                               Expert Computing, Inc.

11/04/00 15:08                                                                                       LGG Page:     1

                                           General Ledger Parameters List



                      Current Fiscal Month            3                  Current Calendar Month  08

                      Current Fiscal Year            00                  Current Calendar Year   99

                      Start Month of Fiscal Year      6

                      Number of Accounting Periods   12


                      Retained Earnings Account      21000000


                             EOM Reports         Required?     Printed?            Entries Generated?


                      General Ledger Report          Y            Y                  Recurring   Y

                      Future Postings Report         N            Y                  Allocation  Y

                      Transaction Control Report     Y            Y


                      Ask for Operator ID?                     Y

                      Use Transaction Control?                 Y

                      Number of Months of Transaction Control  12



                      Account Number Components:  L_e_n_g_t_h_  T_i_t_l_e_

                                              1)     5    Main Account

                                              2)     3    Sub Account

                                              3)     2    Division

                                              4)     2    Branch


                      Separate Retained Earnings by Component?       Y

                      Component Level to Separate Retained Earnings  3


                      OK Account Application Types     GL AP AR PA IC FA


                      Last Summarization Date       02/23/00 09:22 46.56