Intercompany Names List

Use this function to print a list of the Intercompany Names file. It is accessed by selecting Intercompany Names from the Listings Pulldown Menu.


You will follow the same general procedure for printing that is used in all APPX applications. Refer to the APPX User Manual for detailed instructions in regard to any record selection, sort order, and/or disposition screens that appear.


A sample Intercompany Names List is shown below.




                                                      Expert Computing, Inc.

11/04/01 15:10                                                                                                     LGG Page:    1

                                                     Intercompany Names List

    Interco Intercompany Name                  Relationship



    001     Expert Sales Outlet                Sales Operation Established February, 1999 (FYE 2000)

    002     Expert Subsidiary 1                Wholly-Owned (Consolidated) Subsidiary Acquired June, 1999 (FYE 2000)

    003     Corporation                        Consolidation Corporation