Vendors List

Use this function to print either a short or detail listing of the Vendors file.


The Vendors List Setup Screen, shown in Figure 4-12 below, appears when you select Vendors from the Listings Pulldown Menu. This screen allows you to choose the list option to be stored in a temporary one-record file. You enter the setup screen in Add mode and you are not allowed to change mode.


Figure 4-12. Vendors List Setup Screen


This screen contains the following list option for printing the Vendors List:

Print Short List? (required)

Select "yes" or if you want to print the short version which prints only one line per vendor; otherwise, select "no" or to print the detail version. The initial default is "no".



Press ENTER or click or the OK button to store the report option and continue. To exit the function, press END or click or the Cancel button.


If you elect to continue, you will follow the same general procedure for printing that is used in all APPX applications. Refer to the APPX User Manual for detailed instructions in regard to any record selection, sort order, and/or disposition screens that appear.


A sample detail version of the Vendors List is shown below. For a sample short version, see the Vendors List (Short).




                                                       Expert Computing, Inc.

09/02/94 13:37                                                                                                       LGG Page:  1

                                                        Vendors List (Short)

Name                                Vendor    Contact                 Phone             Fax               Trm    Description


Albert Materials, Inc.            00000040    Milton Albert                 555-1256    (206) 555-9874     60    2/10,25 N/25,10

Carpenter痴 Union #101            00000150    Fritz Holden                  441-2367    (   )    -         10    2/10, Net 30

Electrician痴 Union #238          00000160    Cal Worthington               431-8909    (   )    -         10    2/10, Net 30

Insurances Unlimited              00000070    Scott Hansen                  555-9988    (206) 555-6000     40    Cash

Internal Revenue Service          00000110    Henry Worthmeyer              456-7890    (   )    -         40    Cash

Sam Jones                         00000080                                  568-9652    (   )    -         20    Net EOM

Miscellaneous Supplier            00000010                                     -        (   )    -         20    Net EOM

Mountain Air Conditioning         00000030    Herman Hill                   555-9872    (206) 555-9871     30    3/15th, Net 25th

George Peters                     00000090                                  987-5515    (303) 987-2274     20    Net EOM

Pool and Associates               00000020    Susan White                   555-4778    (206) 555-4777     20    Net EOM

State Industrial Insurance        00000130    Joel Bomburg                  352-9821    (   )    -         40    Cash

State Withholding Agency          00000120    Janice Sdmith                 352-1456    (   )    -         40    Cash

State Unemployment Insurance      00000140                                  352-0764    (   )    -         40    Cash

Travel Planners                   00000060    Jill Peterson                 555-4112    (206) 555-1212     50    Net 30

Kris Williams                     00000100                                  987-6541    (   )    -         20    Net EOM

Hardware Services, Inc.           00000050    George Johnson                555-0079    (206) 555-1008     10    2/10, Net 30





Step 6

In order to print the standard Vendors List, this step formats the Vendors information. The following data items are shown: Vendor, Vendor Alpha, Name, Hold Checks?, Miscellaneous Vendor?, Balance, Address - Line 1, Pay Status Description, Credit Limit, Address - Line 2, Tax Identifying Number, Retention %, Retention, City, State, Zip Code, Bank Account No, Last Purchase, Country, Needs Corrected 1099?, Last Invoice Number, Phone, Telefax Number, Last Invoice Amount, Contact, Terms Code, Description, Last Payment Date, Vendor Type, Last Check Number, Liability Account, Last Check Amount, Offset Account and Comment.


A sample output is shown below.



                                                       Expert Computing, Inc.

09/02/94 13:37                                                                                                       LGG Page:  1

                                                            Vendors List


00000040 ALBERT    Albert Materials, Inc.                Hold Checks?   N   Misc Vendor? N       Balance:            1768.07

                   10112 West Smith                      Pay Status:    Normal                   Credit Limit:       1000000

                                                         Tax ID No:                              Retention:     3 %  2112.07

                   Seattle WA 98112                      Bank Acct No:  205698                   Last Invoice Date:  08/14/89

                   USA                                   Correct 1099?  N                        Last Invoice No:    96215

                   Phone:        (206) 555-1256          FAX:           (206) 555-9874           Last Invoice Amt:   2058.00

                   Contact:      Milton Albert                                                   Last Pymt Date:     08/16/89

                   Vendor Type:  10    Supplier                                                  Last Check No:      5500

                   Terms:        060   2/10,25 N/25,10                                           Last Check Amt:     11110.46

                   Liab Acct:    2010001001  Accounts Payable, Sales                             Check GT Max? N     In Process? N

                   Offset Acct:  4010000000MA  Cost of Goods Sold, Corp./Mfg.

                   Comment:  Prompt Supplier.


00000150 CARPENTR  Carpenter痴 Union #101                Hold Checks?   N   Misc Vendor? N       Balance:            .00

                   Union Hall                            Pay Status:    Normal                   Credit Limit:       5000

                                                         Tax ID No:                              Retention:     0 %  .00

                   Seattle WA 98101                      Bank Acct No:                           Last Invoice Date:

                   USA                                   Correct 1099?  N                        Last Invoice No:

                   Phone:        (206) 441-2367          FAX:           (   )    -               Last Invoice Amt:   .00

                   Contact:      Fritz Holden                                                    Last Pymt Date:

                   Vendor Type:  40    Agent                                                     Last Check No:      0

                   Terms:        010   2/10, Net 30                                              Last Check Amt:     .00

                   Liab Acct:    2050600000  Carpenter痴 Union #101                              Check GT Max? N     In Process? N

                   Offset Acct:



00000160 ELECTRIC  Electrician痴 Union #238              Hold Checks?   N   Misc Vendor? N       Balance:            .00

                   Electrician痴 Hall                    Pay Status:    Normal                   Credit Limit:       4000

                                                         Tax ID No:                              Retention:     0 %  .00

                   Seattle WA 98111                      Bank Acct No:                           Last Invoice Date:

                   USA                                   Correct 1099?  N                        Last Invoice No:

                   Phone:        (206) 431-8909          FAX:           (   )    -               Last Invoice Amt:   .00

                   Contact:      Cal Worthington                                                 Last Pymt Date:

                   Vendor Type:  40    Agent                                                     Last Check No:      0

                   Terms:        010   2/10, Net 30                                              Last Check Amt:     .00

                   Liab Acct:    2050700000  Electrician痴 Union #238                            Check GT Max? N     In Process? N

                   Offset Acct:



00000070 INSUR     Insurances Unlimited                  Hold Checks?   N   Misc Vendor? N       Balance:            .00

                   990 Airport Way                       Pay Status:    Normal                   Credit Limit:       25000

                   Suite 7                               Tax ID No:                              Retention:     0 %  .00

                   Seattle WA 98511                      Bank Acct No:  1236-521                 Last Invoice Date:  07/10/89

                   USA                                   Correct 1099?  N                        Last Invoice No:    89071000

                   Phone:        (206) 555-9988          FAX:           (206) 555-6000           Last Invoice Amt:   254.80

                   Contact:      Scott Hansen                                                    Last Pymt Date:     08/16/89

                   Vendor Type:  40    Agent                                                     Last Check No:      5502

                   Terms:        040   Cash                                                      Last Check Amt:     254.80

                   Liab Acct:    2010001001  Accounts Payable, Sales                             Check GT Max? N     In Process? N

                   Offset Acct:  4130000000  Insurance Expense

                   Comment:  Libaility insurance provider.