Use this function to print the contents of the Parameters file. It is accessed by selecting Parameters from the Listings Pulldown Menu.
You will follow the same general procedure for printing that is used in all APPX applications. Refer to the APPX User Manual for detailed instructions in regard to any record selection, sort order, and/or disposition screens that appear.
A sample Parameters List is shown below.
Expert Computing, Inc. 09/02/94 09:42 LGG Page: 1 Accounts Payable Parameters List ================================================================================================================================= Current Fiscal Month / Year 3 90 Current Calendar Month / Year 8 89 Number of Accounting Periods 12 Start Month of Fiscal Year 6 Calendar History ? N Months of Vendor History 12 Months to Keep Cancelled Chks 3 Months to Hold Processed Invoices 12 Months of Transaction History 2 Hold Transactions? Y Discount Method L Check Control Same As Stock No? N Check Stub Rows 14 Recognize Retention At Invoicing? N Maximum Check Amount 9999999.99 Post to Other Applications? GL Y IC Y Prepaid Account 1061001000 Prepaids & Deposits Retention Account 2030001001 Retention Payable, Sales Discount Account 4070000000WH Discounts Lost, Wholesale Cash Account 1010001001 Cash, Sales Outlets EOM Reports Required? Printed? System Control Numbers Check Reconciliation Report N N Invoices 25 Purchases GL Distributions N N Adjustments 4 Disbursements GL Distributions N N Disbursements 12 Adjustments GL Distributions N Y Subsidiary Code GL Distributions N Y Check Processing Control Transaction Control Report N N Check Date 08/09/94 Next Chk Date 08/17/94 Check Sequence A Ageing Report Periods 0 30 60 90 Transaction Register Periods 0 30 Ageing Type 2 Recurring Payments Generated? Y Ask for Operator ID? Y Use Transaction Control? Y Months of Transaction Control 12 OK Applications