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Miscellaneous Vendors List

Use this function to print the contents of the Miscellaneous Vendors file. It is accessed by selecting Miscellaneous Vendors from the Listings Pulldown Menu.


You will follow the same general procedure for printing that is used in all APPX applications. Refer to the APPX User Manual for detailed instructions in regard to any record selection, sort order, and/or disposition screens that appear.


A sample Miscellaneous Vendors List is shown below.



                                                       Expert Computing, Inc.

09/02/94 13:40                                                                                                       LGG Page:  1

                                                     Miscellaneous Vendors List

                                                                                                             State / Zip

Vendor     Apply To   Vendor Name                      Address                          City                   Country


00000010   20100      Northwest Data Supply            408 1st Ave. South               Seattle,               WA   98102

00000010   221        Northwest Interiors              230 W. Andover                   Tukwila,               WA   98150

00000010   254        MacPlumbing                      421 SW 121st St.                 Seattle,               WA   98103

00000010   418-6      North Seattle Office Supply      8120 9th Avenue North            Seattle,               WA   98526

00000010   89071001   Master Sellers Company           401 Texas Blvd.                  Los Alamos,            NM   45213

                                                       Bldg. 3-308

00000010   89121000   Alexander�s, Inc.                4011 Alder Ave.                  Billings,              MT   59101

00000010   90011000   Master Sellers Company           401 Texas Blvd.                  Los Alamos,            NM   45213

                                                       Bldg. 3-308

00000010   987987     Perfect Painting                 101 N. 101st                     Tacoma,                WA   98154

00000010   DEP6/89    Westin Hotel                     990 4th Avenue                   Seattle,               WA   98104

00000010   HO/88      Marvin�s Office Machines         P.O. Box 1229                    Omaha,                 NE   65420

00000010   L9980      Evergreen Landscaping            424 N. 1st                       Federal Way,           WA   98025

00000010   P09844     Neighborhood Directory           4223 E. Smith                    Kent,                  WA   98031